#!/bin/env python import struct, os, fcntl, threading, sys, time """ Usage: test.py This script will create a tun-device for ptp. Initialize using ifconfig tun0 pointopoint It will sync whenever the stick is beeing attached to the pc or when new packets arrive. But it's slooooooow. Have fun. License: Do whatever the fuck you want. I don't take any warranty. The packet size and ioctl call number have been found using: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main() { ifreq tmp; memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); printf("%d\n", (long)(&tmp.ifr_flags) - (long)(&tmp)); printf("%d\n", sizeof(sockaddr) * 5 + IFNAMSIZ); printf("%d\n", TUNSETIFF); } // See linux/*.h for the constant's names """ try: USBdev = sys.argv[1] print "Using %s as USBdev, mounting through pmount" % USBdev except: print "Usage: test.py " sys.exit(1) # Open tunnel file = os.open("/dev/net/tun", os.O_RDWR) # Tun device IOCTL packet = struct.pack("16xb23x", 1) fcntl.ioctl(file, 1074025674, packet) # TUNSETIFF send = "" sendLock = threading.RLock() # tun->usb def deviceData(): global send while 1: data = os.read(file, 1024) data = data.ljust(1024, "\0") #print "tun->usb: received one packet" sendLock.acquire() send += data sendLock.release() threading.Thread(target=deviceData).start() # usb->tun and sync def sync(): global send append = False while 1: while not os.access("/dev/%s" % USBdev, os.F_OK): time.sleep(1) print "usb: found device" if os.system("pmount %s" % USBdev) != 0: print "usb: FAILED TO MOUNT!" time.sleep(3) continue if os.access("/media/%s/devdata" % USBdev, os.F_OK) and not append: input = open("/media/%s/devdata" % USBdev) data = input.read() input.close() os.remove("/media/%s/devdata" % USBdev) packets = [ data[n:n+1024].rstrip("\0") for n in range(0, len(data), 1024) ] print "usb->tun: received data, %d packets" % len(packets) for packet in packets: if os.write(file, packet) != len(packet): print "usb->tun: NOT ALL BYTES WRITTEN!" sendLock.acquire() if len(send) > 0: print "tun->usb: sync to usb (%d packets)" % (len(send) / 1024) if append: output = open("/media/%s/devdata" % USBdev, "a") else: output = open("/media/%s/devdata" % USBdev, "w") output.write(send) output.close() send = "" sendLock.release() if os.system("pumount %s" % USBdev) != 0: print "usb: FAILED TO UNMOUNT!" print "usb: (critical)" sys.exit(0) print "usb: unmounted" append = True time.sleep(2) while os.access("/dev/%s" % USBdev, os.F_OK): if len(send) > 0: break time.sleep(0.5) if os.access("/dev/%s" % USBdev, os.F_OK): continue print "usb: device gone" append = False threading.Thread(target=sync).start() print "Use 'pkill -f test.py' to end this :P"